Water Features

tiered fountain

Outdoor Fountain Maintenance: 4 Tips to Keep Them in Optimal Condition

Outdoor fountains are undoubtedly a fantastic addition to beautify your backyard. Their soothing sounds and graceful presence can transform any outdoor space into a space for relaxation and enjoyment. However, before acquiring one, it’s crucial to understand the key points to ensure its optimal functionality and long-lasting beauty. From choosing the right location to implementing […]

A beautiful stone fountain built in a courtyard. It has fire features that complement the design and makes a unique blend of the elements stone, water and fire.

Frosty Nights: 5 Tips to Protect Your Fountain on Winter

As the days grow shorter and temperatures plummet, it’s time to prepare your beloved outdoor fountain for the frosty embrace of winter. Frost can wreak havoc on your water feature, leading to cracks, leaks, and costly repairs. But fear not!  With a little preparation and care, you can protect your investment and ensure your fountain